
EEE producers that are not established on Latvia and sells EEE by means of distance communication to Latvia’s market need to appoint an authorised representative to be responsible for fulfilling the obligations of that producer including registration.

Please note that all the registration forms and online applications are given in Latvian language only. 

If you have some questions regarding the registration, please do not hesitate to contact Register via e-mail

How to register in EEE register

A) EEE producer who is established in Latvia shall fill in registration form and together with the registration form shall be submitted: 

  • proof of prepayment 
  • confirmation issued by the WEEE Collection system on the signed Agreement (attached if the agreement is concluded)


B) Authorised representative of EEE producer who is not established in Latvia shall fill in registration form of authorised representative and with the registration form shall be submitted: 

  • confirmation that authorised representative have written mandate from EEE producer for fulfilling the obligations of that producer
  • proof of prepayment 
  • confirmation issued by the WEEE Collection system on the signed Agreement (attached if the agreement is concluded)

Filling of registration form online

To obtain access to Registration system fill form below.

According to provided information company's first user in the system will be made. The contact person must be someone from the entered company.

How to register in BA register:

BA producer shall fill in registration form and together with the registration form shall be submitted: 

  • proof of prepayment 
  • confirmation issued by the BA waste Collection system on the signed Agreements
    (attached if the agreement is concluded)


Filling of registration form online

To obtain access to Registration system fill form below.

According to provided information company's first user in the system will be made. The contact person must be someone from the entered company.

Thank you!
We have received your data! Access information will be sent to the email address provided!
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